Bridging the Gap in Life-changing Diabetes Care

Pump Avenue Foundation is dedicated to combating health disparities in diabetes. We repurpose unutilized insulin pumps and supplies to help individuals manage their diabetes, turning potential waste into life-saving equipment.

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Our Impact

Our mission at Pump Avenue Foundation is to make a difference in the lives of diabetes patients. Here's how your donations contribute to our vision of affordable care.

123 Lives Served

We've welcomed 123 patients into our program, providing them access to insulin pump therapy.

$840,000 Raised for Diabetes Care

Your generous monetary contributions, coupled with grants and the value of donated diabetes management devices, have helped us raise $840,000. Every cent goes towards empowering those struggling with their diabetes.

Faces Behind the Numbers

  • Maggie

    “I am a 60-year-old woman and have been diabetic for 41 years. As an insulin-dependent type 2 diabetic, my doctor prescribed an insulin pump, but I didn't have insurance to cover it. After researching online, I found Mr. Benjamin Lalani, the Founder and President of the Pump Avenue Foundation. He reached out to me and helped me acquire an insulin pump, changing my life for the better. I am so grateful for his kindness and caring heart. The Pump Avenue Foundation has helped many people with diabetes who cannot afford their medication, insulin pumps, and supplies. Please donate and support this nonprofit organization. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do in helping so many people. Mr. Lalani, may God forever bless you and your wonderful work.”

  • Sonja

    “My endocrinologist told me about the foundation when I started to struggle during my pregnancy. It was hard to get an insurance to cover a pump. Their generous donation ensured I received proper medication throughout my pregnancy, significantly improving my quality of life and protecting both me and our little girl. The pump has been a life-saver for me. Since starting the pump, my symptoms have been a lot better controlled and I have been able to resume a much more active lifestyle again.”

  • Lulu

    “Thank you Pump Avenue!”

  • Roselle

    “Pump Avenue provided me with a pump when no other options were available. My condition was very unstable and a pump was vital to my health. Benjamin Lalani was very supportive and took the time to understand the urgency of my situation. He responded to the need and providing me with a pump remarkably quick. Today, as a result I am happy to say my health is now stable. I am very thankful and grateful for Benjamin and the supporters of the foundation who make this service possible.”

  • Jenny

    “My doctor referred me to Pump Avenue after trying several times to get my insurance to cover the pump. I was not able to afford to purchase the pump out of pocket, but thanks to Pump Avene, I still was able to get one.”

A Concerning Gap: Insulin Pump Accessibility

Every individual with diabetes deserves the care and resources necessary to manage their condition and achieve good health. However, the unequal distribution of insulin pumps, a life-changing technology that can revolutionize diabetes care, paints a concerning picture.

Research shows that insulin pump therapy are largely accessible only to a select group: predominantly white, non-Hispanic patients, individuals with income equal to or greater than $75,000, and those holding a bachelor's degree or higher.

Ironically, the groups that need it the most—racial-ethnic minorities, individuals with income less than $25,000, and those with a high school degree or less—are the very individuals often left behind.

Despite the rise in overall insulin pump usage over the years, this grave disparity persists, highlighting a imperfect system that intensifies the health struggles of the marginalized, and a need for an urgent call to action.


  1. O'Connor MR, Carlin K, Coker T, Zierler B, Pihoker C. Disparities in Insulin Pump Therapy Persist in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Despite Rising Overall Pump Use Rates. J Pediatr Nurs. 2019

  2. Tremblay ES. Persistent Socioeconomic Disparities in Insulin Pump Uptake Despite Universal Health Coverage—Nonmonetary Drivers in Insulin Pump Use. JAMA Netw Open. 2022

  3. Kanbour S, Jones M, Abusamaan MS, et al. Racial Disparities in Access and Use of Diabetes Technology Among Adult Patients With Type 1 Diabetes in a U.S. Academic Medical Center. Diabetes Care. 2023;46(1):56-64. doi:10.2337/dc22-1055

Addressing the Inequality in Insulin Pump Access

Pump Avenue Foundation is on a mission to bridge this divide in diabetes care. We transform potential waste into life-saving resources, securing donated insulin pumps from patients upgrading their systems, and purchasing additional supplies through generous monetary contributions.

Our commitment goes beyond sourcing these donations. We ensure these vital devices reach underserved populations, and equip those we serve with helping those who can't afford them gain access to insulin pump therapy.

Our work aims to drive systemic change, foster equality and belonging in healthcare, and empowering individuals in their fight against diabetes.

Our Process

Step 1: Procuring Donations

We are primarily supported by generous donations from the public, major contributors, grants, and partnerships with other organizations. Our inventory includes used and new insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors, glucose testing strips, and unused insulin pump supplies, often donated by individuals who upgrade their equipment. Our team vets every donated item to ensure they're functional and safe for use.

Step 2: Connecting with the Those in Need

We are committed to making insulin pump therapy accessible to everyone. Our partnership with hospitals and medical practices locally and abroad helps us identify those who are most in need of our services. We also have systems in place for individuals to directly reach out to us for help (click here for more info).

Step 3: Empowering Our Patients

Our mission doesn't end with providing medical equipment. We aim to empower patients to achieve glycemic control with access to insulin pump therapy and offer resources such as diabetes education, evidence-based blogs on our website, and more.

Our Partners & Supporters

Join Our Mission

Pump Avenue Foundation is powered by the generosity of supporters like you. Here's how you can contribute to our mission:


Your financial contributions are vital in helping us provide insulin pumps and other life-changing diabetes medical equipment to those who need them. Your gift, be it a one-time donation or a recurring monthly contribution, helps us bridge the healthcare accessibility gap.

Spread the Word.

Awareness is the first step towards change. Follow us on social media, share our website with others, and help us raise awareness about the disparities in diabetes care. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for updates about our work.

Donate Medical Equipment.

Do you have devices like insulin pumps that you don’t use? Your medical equipment donations can breathe new life into these devices by placing them in the hands of those who need them most. Please reach out to us at for information on how to donate diabetes care equipment.

Partner with Us.

Make a meaningful impact by establishing a corporate partnership with the Pump Avenue Foundation. From financial aid, in-kind donations, or starting an employee matching gift program, your organization can help us extend our reach. Please reach out to us at to explore partnership opportunities.


We always appreciate volunteers who are eager to contribute to health equity. By volunteering with Pump Avenue Foundation, you could help in various capacities - from managing grant applications to designing our social media posts. Please reach out to us at for more information.

Shop with AmazonSmile.

Choose Pump Avenue Foundation as your charity of choice on AmazonSmile, and a percentage of your eligible purchases will contribute to our cause – at no extra cost to you.